Board of Assistants – Save

Members and Terms of the Board of Assistants

The Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants is overseen and operated by an elected Board of Assistants that meets at least twice yearly to conduct Society business. Offices are staggered three year terms.

GovernorBill CurryNova Scotia2023-2026
Deputy GovernorRev. Becket SouleOntario2023-2026
Co-TreasurerBill CurryNova Scotia2024-2027
Co-TreasurerJohn NobleOntario2024-2027
Corresponding SecretaryDepricated
Recording SecretaryBob CurryPennsylvania2025-2028
HistorianJohn NobleOntario2025-2028
Co-HistorianDavid BradleyOntario2024-2027
Co-HistorianElaine Senack Ontario2023-2026
CaptainGeorge McNeillie IIIOntario2024-2027
ElderReverend W. Becket SouleOntario2024-2027
CounsellorDavid "Sandy" FairbanksNova Scotia2023-2026
SurgeonDr. Carol A. L. MartinAlberta2025-2028
EditorCheryl AndersonNova Scotia2025-2028
Digital AdministratorJ. Paul RoneyOntario2025-2028
LibrarianGeorge McNeillie III (Acting)Ontario2025-2028
Nova Scotia RegentBarry FrameNova Scotia2024-2026
Member-at-LargeSusan RoserOntario2023-2026
Member-at-LargeMaureen McGee British Columbia2025-2028


Deputy Governor GeneralReverend W. Becket SouleOntario
Assistant Governor GeneralBill CurryNova Scotia

Board of Assistants Meeting Minutes

The Board of Assistants uses a consent agenda meeting format. Routine committee, officer or assistant reports, Board meeting minutes and other non-controversial items are generally circulated electronically a week in advance of scheduled meetings so that members have an opportunity to read and consider them. The Board of Assistants adopted this practice in 2013.


George G. McNeillie III (Chair)

George G McNeillie III
Bill Curry
Maureen McGee

George G. McNeillie III (Chair)

George G. McNeillie III
Maureen E. McGee
Robert White

Anne D. Wright (Chair)

Maureen E. McGee (Chair)
George G McNeillie III
William (Bill) E Curry

Chair needed

Chair needed

Sandy Fairbanks
George G McNeillie III
Maureen McGee

Paul Roney
William (Bill) E Curry
Bob Power
Maureen McGee
John Noble

Policies of the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants

Policy #1

Motions presented by email by a member of the Board of Assistants must be emailed to all members of the Board. Once the motion has been seconded, the Recording Secretary will allow 24 hours for discussion and will give the date and time that discussion will end and voting will commence. Any member who does not require discussion may vote during the discussion period. Once the votes are in, the Recording Secretary will email the votes to the Board, listing the Board member and his/her vote. The Governor will then declare the outcome by majority, i.e. that the motion is carried or failed. All motions approved by electronic means must be ratified at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Policy #2 amended April 1, 2017

Those who attend Congress or General Board of Assistant Meetings shall do so entirely at their own expense.

Policy #3 amended April 1, 2017

Board and committee members are expected to attend meetings via conference call or electronic meeting software whenever possible but this is not easily facilitated for the Annual Compact Meeting or Colony meetings. Board and committee members who must travel more than 100 km to attend board or committee meetings, including colony meetings, will be reimbursed up to $500 to help defray their travel expenses (transportation and accommodation). Board members and committee members who travel more than 1,000 km to attend board or committee or annual meetings before the fall of 2022 will be reimbursed up to $1,000 to help defray their travel expenses (travel and accommodation) upon submission of appropriate receipts to the Treasurer.

Policy #4

Insignia is the property of the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants and must be returned when an officer retires from office.

Policy #5

All reports to Board of Assistants meetings are to be circulated by email to all members of the Board of Assistants one week before scheduled meetings, in order to facilitate a “consent agenda” meeting format.

Policy #6

The Recording Secretary must notify the Elder and the Editor of deaths of members so that the Elder can send a sympathy card to the family and the Editor can publish the information in our newsletter.

Policy #7

The Librarian must update the website when new material is added to our library holdings.

Policy #8

As of January 2014, the CSMD will use email exclusively wherever possible to communicate with members, applicants and prospective applicants, including distribution of the Canadian Pilgrim newsletter. By December 2014, regular mail will be used only for those members who do not use email, or by request and will not be as an add-on to what is sent by email.

Policy #9

The Treasurer will set up a CSMD PayPal account as an option for members and applicants to pay dues, fees and annual compact meeting luncheons and other costs securely online and that a PayPal link be added to the CSMD website to facilitate such payments.

Policy #10

In addition to the fall newsletter announcement, current members with email will be reminded annually on November 1st of the deadline to renew their CSMD membership for the following year and that regular mail is used to remind those members who do not use email.

Policy #11

The web address of the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants must be included in all business correspondence sent by the Board of Assistants to create greater awareness of our organization.

Policy #12

That the fee after the Lineage Review be called the Preliminary Administrative Fee. As of 1st July 2020, that before a newly approved member receives her/his Mayflower Certificate, their annual CSMD Membership Dues, for the year of their approval, must be paid in full, except that new members approved after 15 October must pay the CSMD Membership for the following year, before receiving her/his Mayflower Certificate.

Policy #13

Reasonable expenses, including registration and accommodation of up to two members of the Board of Assistants who volunteer to attend genealogy conferences to promote the CSMD will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $800 for both members combined, with authority to the Treasurer to add up to $200 for additional expenses with appropriate receipts submitted. Review this policy in 2021 added April 1, 2021.

Policy #14 - April 1, 2017

The Treasurer will notify the Governor and the Editor when a significant donation is received so that he or she can thank the donor and acknowledgement can be published in the Canadian Pilgrim.

Policy #15 - October 2, 2020

Annual Membership dues are payable on or before December 1 for the following year. Members who have not paid their annual dues by December 1 will be dropped from membership effective December 30 of that year. In exceptional circumstances a grace period of up to 30 days may be permitted on approval of the Treasurer. A member may be reinstated at any time by payment of dues for that year. They may choose to pay for the years they have missed but are not obligated to do so.