Board of Assistants-Old

Members and Terms of the Board of Assistants

The Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants is overseen and operated by an elected Board of Assistants that meets at least twice yearly to conduct Society business. Offices are staggered three year terms.

GovernorBill CurryNova Scotia2023-2026
Deputy GovernorRev. Becket SouleOntario2023-2026
Co-TreasurerBill CurryNova Scotia2024-2027
Co-TreasurerJohn NobleOntario2024-2027
Corresponding SecretaryDepricated
Recording SecretaryBob CurryPennsylvania2025-2028
HistorianJohn NobleOntario2025-2028
Co-HistorianDavid BradleyOntario2024-2027
Co-HistorianElaine Senack Ontario2023-2026
CaptainGeorge McNeillie IIIOntario2024-2027
ElderReverend W. Becket SouleOntario2024-2027
CounsellorDavid "Sandy" FairbanksNova Scotia2023-2026
SurgeonDr. Carol A. L. MartinAlberta2025-2028
EditorCheryl AndersonNova Scotia2025-2028
Digital AdministratorJ. Paul RoneyOntario2025-2028
LibrarianGeorge McNeillie III (Acting)Ontario2025-2028
Nova Scotia RegentBarry FrameNova Scotia2024-2026
Member-at-LargeSusan RoserOntario2023-2026
Member-at-LargeMaureen McGee British Columbia2025-2028


Deputy Governor GeneralReverend W. Becket SouleOntario
Assistant Governor GeneralBill CurryNova Scotia


George G. McNeillie III (Chair)
Bill Curry
Becket Soule

George G McNeillie III
Bill Curry
Maureen McGee

George G. McNeillie III (Chair)
Bill Curry
Dr. Carol Martin

George G McNeillie III

Bill Curry
Cheryl Trask Anderson

John Noble (co-chair)
Bob Power (co-chair)
William (Bill) E Curry
Maureen E. McGee
Christa Ramonat

Bill Curry
Carol Martin
George G McNeillie III
Ian Cook

Chair needed

Sandy Fairbanks
George G McNeillie III
Maureen McGee

Paul Roney (Chair)
William (Bill) E Curry
Bob Power
Maureen McGee
John Noble