Introducing the Passenger Inheritance Program

The Passenger Inheritance Program (PIP) is an opportunity for Mayflower
Society members to “inherit” ancestors from their sibling, parent or
grandparent OR from their child or grandchild without completing a formal
application. And – here’s the best part – each PIP is a flat fee, regardless of
how many ancestors are available to inherit.
The Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants has already had our first
person take advantage of this – Governor Bill Curry’s brother Bob Curry
inherited the other 6 proven lines Gov. Bill had done over then last 10 years.
In order to take advantage of this program, you need to already be a member
of the GSMD, in our case via membership in the CSMD, and you can then
“inherit” the proven lines from your sibling, parent or grandparent by paying
one flat fee to the GSMD in Plymouth, plus a small fee if you want each line
recognized with a GSMD certificate.
This is a great way to honor the ancestors your close relatives have already
proven your family’s connection to! Learn more about eligibility and “inherited
ancestors” today!
Full details and an online order form can be found under the Members Only
tab of The Mayflower Society website. You must be signed into website to
access this section. See